About Us
About Us
A kitty is a forever friend you will enjoy throughout your SL journey. The joy of watching them play, interacting with them is just to cute. The details and animations that go into these cuddly little creatures just amazes me. I’ve breed other breedables, and still do though not as passionate as KC, this is where I stopped is with these guys. So go adopt one today and start enhancing you Second Life.
Onwared to the info about this site. We’re a small cattery of breeders who like to breed for the pleasure of the pixel cat and having some fun. This site is to showcase some of our accomplishments as well as some of the hard lessons learned. Breeding can be an art form or a chaotic mess, you can take that and control it or let it lead your where the khaos takes the path. I breed KittyCats for the simple joy of getting a surprise bundle of fur and in the back of my mind knowing where things meet to make one. Watching them take their first steps, those tiny little things can streak like lightning too (so beware), and oh the things they have to tell me. Some seem to have a lot more to say and others just want you to take them shopping. It’s one of those things that put a smile on and I hope you will enjoy them too.
For me the breeding journey started out just wanting to breed Siamese, now look at me. I’ve branched out to other breeds that was just to cute to resist for long. Though I do stay primarily with Siamese line, I now breed the Bengal line, along with Chateaus B&W#1/NuMoo (the Moos), some Cheetah’s and Bali’s. Though I don’t do a lot of recessive traits I do breed a recessive line to use and pull with collection cats for new traits that I want to breed into my cattery.
I’ve been breeding since I stumbled onto on of the breedable sims back in 2013. Already into the horses (horse lover too right here) I was wanting to build a home in SL and no home is complete without a cat. So I hopped on over and what a wonderful exploration it became. Some was out on display and they just looked to much like my real life kitties that I had to buy 2 to have in Second Life. Of course I couldn’t stop at just that sim I had to find the headquarters for these adorable things, so off I went.
It didn’t take long before wondering what the heck I was doing I went out looking form more information and things they do, then (rolls eyes) I attended an auction, well several in fact. Auctioneers have a plethora of knowledge and I wanted some. They may not always know what’s acturate, since they hadn’t been out that long but knew enough that I could conclude what was fact and what was still in effect research.
Now here we are and adding to that knowledge pool to help any that want to learn more and want to enjoy this wonder world we call Second Life with these delightful KittyCatS! So whether you get your kitty from one of our breeders or another cattery enjoy your amazing kitty.
Serena & Babies!