Some Cattery Facts!
Catteries listed on these pages are my personal kitties that I have collected or bred thru several years of breeding. So you may see some old as well as new lines that have been breeding awhile or I just started.
As with many breeders especially those that have been doing this awhile we tend to either stick to one or two breeds or do breeding based on traits. Some it’s the latest ones, most recessive, or like me those that we really like and think are perfect for us. Those last ones are the catteries most don’t see out on display or even kitties sold at market. They tend to go in inventory or the online cattery.
While I do both an ongoing line of recessive traits, to keep and breed with new collection, I do have my ongoing lines below.
Cheetah (only certain ones)
Moos (Chateau Cat B&W #1 & NuMoo)
Siamese (All but mostly chocolates & seals)