

Counting Traits
Just a little quick guide to know what is a trait and what is a want-to-be trait.

Some of what is here is using my own personal references in order for me to keep straight what is a trait, what is not, and what is more rare than others. It helps me when it comes time to price and or trade. I will go into pricing more in another article.

As of the time of this article there are only nine traits to breed for in any kitty cat. You will hear and see talk about a ten trait kitty so let us go to that first. When you get the kitty stats you will notice there are ten listed. So to make it clear, there are ten traits to each kitty, and only nine of that are counted breedable traits. That is where you see and hear the debate; you can only breed for nine of those traits that show.

That is the age old questions. This is strictly my own opinion and how I look at because I am not here to haggle over the issue. It is not an important issue with me and I can see both sides. However the way I see it is if you are going to price and sell KittyCatS based on the size then it should be considered a trait. When you see 10T look at the size to if it is a toy or teacup. Just beware this is not a trait you can breed for to any offspring. Two teacups do not make a teacup unless it is the lucky random box time. Actually it looks kind of sad when female teacups have the normal size box as it is usually bigger than they are.

On to the traits that are counted. Once you become familiar with starter traits it will be as simple as pie to count how many traits a kitty has showing.

*Counted traits are only what is shown on the KittyCatS, not what is hiding or possibly could be hiding.

The nine countable traits are:
FUR: (starters are) Genesis –
EYES: (starters are) Genesis –
EYE SHAPE: (starter is) Curious
EYE PUPIL SIZE: (starter is) Big
SHADE: (starter is) Natural
TAIL: (starter is) Genesis
EAR: (starter is) Genesis
WHISKER COLOR: (starter is) Silver
WHISKER SHAPE: (starter is) Guitar
From the above as you can see only the Fur and Eye is random with five Genesis options. Anything not listed above is counted as a trait on the secondary market. Genesis are considered traits as well, just not ‘marketable’ traits. Remember marketable, because if you consider it every kitty has nine traits, ten if you want to count the size. The only traits that are counted are by the secondary market though are the non-starter traits.

So hopefully this is making a little bit more sense to you now that you see what starter traits are and non-starter you can compare.
